Interior Design & Home Decor Mistakes YOU want to avoid


Ever walked into a house and thought, “Hmm, something’s not quite right here”? We’ve all been there! Our houses should be welcoming and comfy, not a puzzle, right? Let me share the worst common interior design mistakes and how to fix them in case you find yourself in a similar situation. Let’s dive right in!

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Mistake # 1 : Overcrowding with Too Much Stuff : Keep It Simple, Smarty!

Clutter can accumulate easily in our homes, often without us even realizing it. Too many knick-knacks, overcrowded shelves, and excessive décor can make a room feel chaotic and overwhelming.

This not only detracts from the visual appeal of the space but also affects our mental well-being by creating a sense of unease and stress.

However, with some intentional decluttering and smart organization strategies, you can transform your space into a calm and inviting place.

Let’s delve deeper into the issue of cluttered spaces and provide some practical solutions to address this common interior design mistake.

Image : Minimalistic Kitchen Visual by Asmaa

Declutter Regularly

Make decluttering a regular part of your routine. Set aside time every few months to go through your belongings and get rid of items you no longer need or use.

Be ruthless in your decision-making and only keep items that are meaningful or serve a practical purpose.

Embrace Minimalism

Embrace the principles of minimalism by focusing on quality over quantity. Choose a few key pieces of furniture and décor that bring you joy and complement your space.

Pare down your belongings to the essentials and avoid filling every available surface with clutter

Smart Storage Solutions

Invest in smart storage solutions to help keep clutter at bay. Utilize multifunctional furniture with built-in storage, such as ottomans with hidden compartments or coffee tables with drawers.

Maximize vertical space by installing shelves or wall-mounted organizers to display and store items without overcrowding surfaces.

Edit Your Collections

If you have collections of items such as books, ceramics, or artwork, edit them down to a manageable size. Display a curated selection of your favorite pieces and rotate them periodically to keep things fresh.

Consider donating or selling items that no longer bring you joy or serve a purpose in your home.

Image : Ai Design Assisted by Asmaa

Create Zones

Create designated zones for different activities in your home to help maintain organization and reduce clutter. Designate specific areas for reading, working, and relaxation, and keep the necessary items contained within each zone. This will help prevent clutter from spreading throughout the entire space.

Practice Mindful Consumption

Before purchasing new items for your home, practice mindful consumption by considering whether you truly need the item and how it will fit into your existing space.

Avoid impulse buys and take the time to evaluate whether the item aligns with your personal style and complements your current décor.

Remember that less is often more when it comes to interior design, and prioritizing quality over quantity will help you achieve a more cohesive and visually appealing space.

Mistake #2 : Ignoring Lighting


Lighting is a crucial element in interior design, as it not only illuminates a space but also sets the mood and ambiance. Unfortunately, many of us make the mistake of relying solely on overhead lighting or using harsh, bright lights that can be unflattering.

This can result in spaces that feel cold, unwelcoming, or lacking in character. However, with thoughtful consideration and strategic lighting choices, you can transform your home into a warm and inviting home.

Layered Lighting for a well-balanced scheme

Instead of relying solely on overhead lighting, embrace the concept of layered lighting. Layered lighting involves combining different types of lighting sources, such as ambient, task, and accent lighting, to create depth and visual interest in a room.

Incorporate a variety of light fixtures, including ceiling lights, floor lamps, table lamps, and wall sconces, to provide a well-balanced lighting scheme.

Use Ambient Lighting to set the overall mood

Ambient lighting serves as the primary source of illumination in a room and sets the overall mood. Opt for soft, diffused lighting fixtures such as pendant lights, chandeliers, or recessed ceiling lights to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Consider installing dimmer switches to adjust the brightness levels and control the ambiance according to different activities or occasions.

Don’t Forget Task Lighting

Task lighting is essential for performing specific activities such as reading, cooking, or working.

Incorporate task lighting fixtures, such as desk lamps, under-cabinet lighting in the kitchen, or adjustable floor lamps near seating areas, to provide targeted illumination where it’s needed most.

Task lighting should be bright enough to prevent eye strain but not overpowering.

Accent Lighting for a cozy mood

Accent lighting adds drama and visual interest by highlighting architectural features, artwork, or focal points in a room.

Use accent lighting fixtures such as track lights, picture lights, or wall-mounted spotlights to draw attention to specific areas or objects.

Experiment with different angles and intensities to create a dynamic interplay of light and shadow.

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Take Advantage Natural Light

Maximize the use of natural light to enhance the overall lighting design in your home. Keep windows unobstructed and use sheer curtains or blinds to allow ample sunlight to filter into the space.

Consider installing skylights or light tubes in areas with limited access to natural light to introduce more daylight and create a brighter, more open feel.

Choose Color Temperature Wisely

Pay attention to the color temperature of your light bulbs, as it can significantly impact the ambiance of a room. Choose warm white or soft white bulbs (2700-3000 Kelvin) for living spaces and bedrooms to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

Opt for daylight or cool white bulbs (5000-6500 Kelvin) for task-oriented areas such as kitchens or home offices to promote alertness and productivity.

Related Topics : Transform Your Home into a Cozy Chic Haven

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Mistake #3 : Furniture Imbalances

One of the most common interior design mistakes is ignoring the scale and proportion of furniture and décor items in a room.

Scale refers to the size of objects in relation to the space they occupy, while proportion relates to how those objects relate to each other and the overall space.

When scale and proportion are not carefully considered, it can result in a room feeling unbalanced, cramped, or visually disjointed.

Fortunately, there are solutions to adress this issue, that we will cover right away.

Measure your Space Beforehand

Before purchasing furniture or décor items, take accurate measurements of your space, including the dimensions of the room, doorways, and any architectural features such as windows or alcoves.

This will help you determine the appropriate scale of furniture and ensure that it fits comfortably within the room without overcrowding or overwhelming the space.

Create a Floor Plan

You don’t need to be a Designer to create a floor plan of your room, you can draw a sketch by hand to visualize how furniture and other items will be arranged within the space.

Use this floor plan to experiment with different furniture layouts and configurations, taking into account traffic flow and functionality. This will help you determine the optimal scale and proportion of furniture for your room.

Consider the Room’s Function

Consider the function of the room and the activities that will take place within it when selecting furniture and décor items. For example, in a small living room used for entertaining guests, choose furniture with a smaller scale to maximize seating without overcrowding the space.

In a large dining room, opt for a generously proportioned dining table that can accommodate guests comfortably.

Mix and Match

Don’t be afraid to mix and match furniture and décor items of different scales and proportions to create visual interest and balance in a room.

Pair larger furniture pieces, such as a substantial sofa or dining table, with smaller accent chairs or side tables to create contrast and variation in scale. This will add depth and dimension to the room’s design.

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Pay Attention to Height

Consider the height of furniture and décor items in relation to the room’s ceiling height and other architectural features.

Taller pieces, such as floor-to-ceiling bookcases or tall lamps, can draw the eye upward and create the illusion of height in a room with low ceilings.

Conversely, in a room with high ceilings, choose furniture and décor items with substantial height to fill the vertical space and create a sense of balance.

Edit and Simplify

Edit your furniture and décor selections to ensure that each item contributes to the overall scale and proportion of the room.

Avoid overcrowding the space with too many pieces or oversized furniture that overwhelms the room. Instead, focus on selecting a few key pieces that complement each other in terms of scale and proportion, creating a cohesive and harmonious design.

By implementing these solutions and paying careful attention to scale and proportion in your interior design choices, you can create a balanced and visually pleasing space that feels comfortable and inviting.

Mistake #4 : Following design trends blindly

Before you dive into the latest craze, ask yourself: do you love it because it genuinely fits your style, or is it just dominating your social media feed?

Trends in interior design come and go, but good design principles are timeless.

While it’s tempting to incorporate trendy elements into your home, blindly following trends can result in a space that quickly feels outdated and lacks individuality.

Additionally, constantly updating your home to keep up with the latest trends can be costly and unsustainable in the long run.

Learn more about 2024 interior design trends, and how to implement them wisely.

Identify Your Personal Style

Take the time to identify your personal design style and preferences. Consider the colors, patterns, textures, and aesthetics that resonate with you the most.

By understanding your own style, you can create a home that reflects your personality and tastes, rather than simply following what’s popular at the moment.

kitchen neutral tones arches minimal design
Image : Ai design assisted by Asmaa

Focus on Timeless Design Elements

Instead of chasing fleeting trends, prioritize timeless design elements that stand the test of time. Classic design features such as clean lines, neutral color palettes, and quality materials never go out of style and provide a solid foundation for your home’s aesthetic.

Incorporate these timeless elements into your decor to create a space that feels elegant and sophisticated.

Use Trends Sparingly

While it’s okay to incorporate trendy elements into your home, do so sparingly and with caution. Choose trendy pieces that can be easily replaced or updated without a major overhaul of your space.

This could include accessories like throw pillows, rugs, artwork, or small furniture pieces that add a pop of color or texture without overwhelming the overall design.

Mix Trends with Timeless Pieces

Blend trendy elements with timeless pieces to create a balanced and harmonious look.

Pair trendy accents with classic furniture and decor items to add visual interest and personality to your space while maintaining a sense of sophistication.

This approach allows you to enjoy current trends without sacrificing the longevity of your design.

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Invest in Quality

When it comes to larger furniture pieces and permanent fixtures, invest in quality items that are built to last.

Choose well-made furniture, durable materials, and timeless designs that will withstand the test of time both in terms of style and durability.

Investing in quality pieces may require a higher upfront cost but will ultimately save you money in the long run by reducing the need for frequent replacements.

Trust Your Instincts

Above all, trust your instincts and don’t be swayed by every passing trend. If a trend doesn’t resonate with you or doesn’t fit with your personal style, don’t feel obligated to incorporate it into your home. Your home should be a reflection of your individuality and should feel comfortable and authentic to you and your family.

Mistake #5 : Ignoring color harmony

Color is a powerful tool in interior design, capable of transforming the mood and ambiance of a space. However, many homeowners overlook the importance of color selection and its impact on the overall design.

Ignoring color can result in an unbalanced space that fails to evoke the desired atmosphere.

Understand Color Psychology

Take the time to understand the principles of color psychology and how different colors can influence emotions and perceptions.

For example, warm colors like red, orange, and yellow are known to evoke feelings of energy and warmth, while cool colors like blue and green create a sense of calm and tranquility. Use this knowledge to select colors that align with the mood you want to create in each room.

Establish a Color Palette

Establishing a cohesive color palette is essential for creating a harmonious and visually pleasing space.

Choose a base color or two as the foundation of your palette, then add complementary colors and accents to create depth and interest.

Consider factors such as natural light, room size, and existing furniture and decor when selecting colors.

Here are the hottest 2024 colors that you could use in your interior, based on your preference.

Consider the Function of the Space

Consider the function of each room and how color can support its purpose. For example, vibrant colors may be suitable for a lively living room or playroom, while soothing hues are more appropriate for a bedroom or home office.

Tailor your color choices to enhance the functionality and mood of each space.

Test Paint Samples

Before committing to a paint color, test samples on the walls to see how they look in different lighting conditions throughout the day.

Paint colors can appear differently depending on the amount of natural light and artificial lighting in the room. Testing samples will help you choose the right color that complements the room’s lighting and decor.

Use Color to Highlight Architectural Features

Use color strategically to highlight architectural features and focal points in a room. For example, painting an accent wall in a bold color can draw attention to a fireplace or architectural detail, while painting trim and molding in a contrasting color can add visual interest and depth.

Balance Bold and Neutral Colors

Balance bold and neutral colors to create a visually dynamic space. If you opt for bold or vibrant colors on the walls or furniture, balance them with neutral tones such as white, beige, or gray to prevent the space from feeling overwhelming.

Alternatively, use bold colors as accents to add pops of color and personality to a neutral backdrop.

By implementing these solutions and paying attention to the importance of color in interior design, you can create a cohesive and visually appealing space that reflects your style and enhances the mood and ambiance of each room.

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Mistake #6 : Skimping on Quality

Skimping on quality is a common mistake in interior design where individuals prioritize cost savings over the longevity and aesthetic appeal of their home decor choices. While it’s tempting to opt for cheaper alternatives, sacrificing quality can lead to a less visually appealing and less durable space in the long run.

Invest in Well-Made Furniture and Decor Items

Prioritize investing in well-made furniture and decor items that are crafted from high-quality materials and constructed with attention to detail.

While these pieces may come with a higher price tag upfront, they will last longer and withstand daily wear and tear, ultimately saving you money in the long term.

Consider Long-Term Value

When making purchasing decisions, consider the long-term value of the items you’re investing in. While cheaper alternatives may seem like a cost-effective choice initially, they may need to be replaced more frequently, resulting in higher overall costs over time.

By investing in quality pieces, you can enjoy their beauty and functionality for years to come.

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Prioritize Key Pieces

Focus your budget on investing in key pieces of furniture and decor that have a significant impact on the overall look and feel of your space.

These key pieces, such as a sofa, dining table, or statement lighting fixture, serve as the foundation of your design and should be of the highest quality possible.

Research Brands and Manufacturers

Take the time to research reputable brands and manufacturers known for their commitment to quality craftsmanship and materials.

Read reviews, seek recommendations from trusted sources, and visit showrooms to see the quality of their products firsthand. Investing in brands with a proven track record of quality ensures that you’re getting value for your money.

Focus on Timeless Design

Prioritize timeless design over trendy pieces that may quickly go out of style.

Quality, well-made furniture and decor items with timeless design appeal have staying power and can seamlessly integrate into various design styles and aesthetics, ensuring that your investment stands the test of time.

Shop Smart

Look for sales, promotions, and discounts from reputable retailers to save money on quality furniture and decor items.

Additionally, consider purchasing gently used or vintage pieces, which can often be found at a fraction of the cost of new items while still maintaining high quality.

By implementing these solutions and prioritizing quality in your interior design choices, you can create a beautiful and durable space that reflects your style and stands the test of time.

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So there you go, that’s the deal on avoiding interior design mistake !

Remember, it’s all about creating a space that echoes your personality, avoiding overcrowding, embracing color harmony, and infusing that unique touch.

Let your home tell your story, and watch it transform into a haven.

Happy decorating!

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  1. Brandi

    I guess I don’t do so bad! Lighting seems to be my weakest point. Thanks for the tips!

    • asmaa

      Oh well that’s great 😀 the good news is lighting is so easy to manage, just forget about the big light and use few lamps here and there and that should work

  2. Heaven

    Nice post! I usually neglect color harmony and also just follow trendy styles from social media. I realized I have to stick to my color crush and apply my personality in a style which is simple and homey.

    • asmaa

      Thank you Heaven, that’s right, Homes with personalities are soo much better than the trends we see every where, some trends becomes quickly outdated

    • asmaa

      Thank you !

  3. Andrea

    I love the comment about making your home a reflection of personality and style. It’s so true—especially because we all have our own likes & tastes, which might look different from somebody else’s home or style. Great post!

    • asmaa

      Thank you, exactly our home should relect our personalities

  4. Katie

    Great post! I hung my head at furniture imbalances haha! I know the coffee table in my living room is too small, but the color and vibe was perfect! I’ll upgrade eventually. Love this and I’ll be referring back to it!

    • asmaa

      Thank you so much Katie

  5. Debbie

    These are really great home decor tips. I’m always a fan of adding great lighting ideas to my space.

    • asmaa

      Thank you Debbie, exatly !lighting is key ! it could change the whole look

  6. Sandra James

    I like the subsitution of “smarty” for the other word. Lots of good advice here.

    • asmaa

      Thank you Sandra

  7. Maryanne

    Great tips. I particularly like the Too Much Stuff, Ignoring Colour Harmony and leaving out the Personal Touch tips. I really do believe that your home should reflect your personality. Thanks for sharing!

    • asmaa

      Thank you 🙂

  8. Angelia

    Great tips! I never considered the lighting. I only have overhead lighting, which I guess is called recessed lighting, and that’s it. I think I need to add some lamps. Thank you for sharing!

  9. skapa binance-konto

    Thank you for your sharing. I am worried that I lack creative ideas. It is your article that makes me full of hope. Thank you. But, I have a question, can you help me?


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